Drawing is calming — the chafe of nib on paper — the silent object appearing in its untroubled imperfection. I hope you’ll try it. A fine-nibbed pen helps — giving the picture an air of simplicity and confidence that may or may not originate in the drawer. I use water-colour pencils: colour in, then add spit. Or if you’re organised, water applied with a fine brush.
Inexpertise is liberating. Wonkiness doesn’t matter. Whatever appears now exists.

4 responses to “The pen finds its way”
Forgive you, Melissa? Why do we all feel so guilty (I do) when we can’t scramble fast enough to keep up with the daily flood of data? It’s lovely when you appear here, and quite okay when you don’t, since I know you’re around. But thank you for your warm enthusiasm (really, they look like me? that’s quaint) Perhaps we’ll all soon be back to cave art and communing across the ether with ash and ochres.
John and Kay, thank you both for saying so, and strength to your two (four?) highly creative arms.
Loving loving loving the drawings – keep it up with the pen Pen. 🙂
Love the drawings. Cheers.
Penelope! Forgive me for falling out of the blogosphere and the wild and wonderful goings-on at Rosa Mira. Your drawings are just delightful, Pen. They make me laugh. They cheer me up. They are your very own and could not be mistaken for anyone else’s. Thank you for your humor and your wonderfully quirky work. They make me braver about doing some drawing of my own.xo